The Corner

Scott Walker, Over the Target, Taking Flak

As I noted a week or so ago, Scott Walker has begun to talk about immigration in terms of American wages, the only candidate in the GOP field to do so. He reinforced the message on the Glenn Beck show the other day (note the Jeff Sessions name-check):

In terms of legal immigration, how we need to approach that going forward is saying — the next president and the next congress need to make decisions about a legal immigration system that’s based on, first and foremost, on protecting American workers and American wages, because the more I’ve talked to folks, I’ve talked to Senator Sessions and others out there — but it is a fundamentally lost issue by many in elected positions today — is what is this doing for American workers looking for jobs, what is this doing to wages, and we need to have that be at the forefront of our discussion going forward.

Walker is right that this is a perspective on immigration that the political class generally abhors, and naturally, he is taking hits for his “far right” position, here and here. Walker should take the shots as a compliment, and hopefully, the rest of the field will begin to think and talk about immigration the same way.
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