The Corner

Scott Walker’s Sterling Record of Limited Government

When Wisconsinites vote on Tuesday, they should reelect Governor Scott Walker. This courageous chief executive is a turn-around artist who dramatically has improved the Badger State’s economy and prospects far above the wobbly condition in which he inherited it from former Democratic governor James Doyle in January 2011.

Walker’s most impressive achievements include transforming Doyle’s $3.6 billion deficit into a $911 million surplus. Walker did this without hiking taxes, as Doyle did. Instead, Walker cut levies by $2.2 billion. This helped stimulate Wisconsin’s economy, lower the unemployment rate on his watch from 7.7 percent to 5.5 percent, and increase per capita income from $38,755 to $43,149. No wonder the share of Wisconsin employers who believe the state is on the right track has soared from 9 percent to 95 percent.

A snapshot of Walker’s accomplishments appears below and here.

Anti-Walker prosecutors have spent much of this year leaking documents about campaign-finance allegations on which several judges have exonerated Walker. While this legal squid ink has clouded Walker’s path to re-election, recent polls suggest that he is emerging and will prevail at the polls.

Walker deserves four more years to continue making Wisconsin a showcase for better living through limited government.

— Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor and a media fellow with the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace at Stanford University.

Deroy MurdockDeroy Murdock is a Fox News contributor and political commenter based in Manhattan.
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