The Corner

The Secretary of State Should Get in the Debates

She’s got real fire in the belly and doesn’t hesitate to sock it to her, uh, employees. Didn’t you think her remarks about Jay Lefkowitz, who committed the sin of noticing that the empress’s nakedness in the matter of North Korea, were out of the Hillary/Barack back-and-forth? Secretary Rice tore into Lefkowitz as only a scorned turfmistress can:

“Mr. Lefkowitz,” growled Condoleezza Rice at a Tuesday press conference in Europe, “doesn’t work on the six-party talks [on North Korea], he doesn’t know what’s going on in the six-party talks and he certainly has no say in what American policy will be in the six-party talks.” For good measure, the Secretary added that she “would doubt very seriously that [the Chinese and Russians] would recognize” Mr. Lefkowitz’s name.

Back when Jimmy Carter was in charge of our destiny, I had a late morning interview with Senator Moynihan. At the time he was suffering greatly from back pain, and had, in his words, finally found a sensible doctor who prescribed gin for what ailed the good Senator. Thanks in part to the medication, Moynihan delivered himself of a line that applies as well to Secretary Rice today as it did to the Georgian antisemite then:

“He is unable to distinguish between our friends and our enemies, and has ended by adopting our enemies’ view of the world.”

Dittos for the present crowd; beating up their own ambassadors instead of the terror masters, fighting for name recognition among the dictators instead of freedom for the oppressed, and pretending to be dressed when they have no clothes to wear.

Michael LedeenMichael Ledeen is an American historian, philosopher, foreign-policy analyst, and writer. He is a former consultant to the National Security Council, the Department of State, and the Department of Defense. ...
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