The Corner

Self-Serving Sanctimony Watch

If only I could be such a delicate flower as to be capable of weeping over the tragedy of Blago. Alas, my jaded elitism prevents me from loving the people and the constitution as much as Riehl.

Update: From a reader:


I just thought this was priceless in the comments on that Riehl piece you commented on yesterday. A couple of commentors basically sided with you and this was his (Riehl’s) response:

“I’m not bashing conservatives, I’m bashing elitism. Look them up, they are different things. And it damn well is a tragedy that this is what large sections of America have done with their right to elect representatives. They’ve squandered it and will continue to because they are so ignorant. The other tragedy is that they will drag the rest down with them.”

Now, who’s the elitist again?

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