The Corner

Sen. Tom Cotton Explains the Logic of the GOP Senators’ Iran Letter to CBS

Arkansas senator Tom Cotton explained the reason he and 46 other Senators wrote a letter warning the Iranian regime not to rely on any agreement with the Obama administration on CBS’ Face the Nation, but host Bob Schieffer still appeared fully confused.  

“Why did you decide to try to convince the Iranians that they needed to be wary of dealing with the United States?” Schieffer asked. “Why not take your argument to the American people?”

“Iran’s leaders needed to hear the message loud and clear,” Cotton answered without hesitation. “I can tell you they are not hearing that message from Geneva.”

Cotton continued to explain that he and his colleagues in the Senate are primarily focused on preventing Iran from obtaining and using a nuclear weapon, but Schieffer still doubted his logic. Cotton told Schieffer he had no regrets over writing to Iran, which also seemed to baffle Schieffer. Later in the show, Schieffer admitted that he was surprised by Cotton’s decision to write the letter, given the fact that Cotton is a veteran. 

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