The Corner

Senate GOP to Obama: ‘End the DOJ’s Unwarranted Investigations of CIA Interrogators’

Senate Republicans pen a letter to the president:

We call on you to finally end the DOJ’s unwarranted investigations of CIA interrogators, whose work led to one of the most defining moments of the Global War on Terror. These Americans did their jobs at the direction of the President of the United States. Punishing them for their actions, which likely saved lives by helping avert other terrorist attacks, will continue to have a chilling effect on the critical work of their colleagues and other national security professionals in the U.S. government. Our nation cannot afford these politically motivated investigations to continue.

The signature list: Cornyn, Blunt, Sessions, Chambliss, Burr, Boozman, Graham, Barrasso, Enzi, Hoeven, Risch, Inhofe, McConnell, Portman, Moran, Heller, Alexander, R. Johnson, Hutchison, Kirk, Coats, Thune, Johanns, Wicker, Crapo, Ayotte, Hatch, Vitter, Grassley, Rubio, Lee, Isakson, Roberts, and Corker.

Robert Costa was formerly the Washington editor for National Review.
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