The Corner

Senate internals

This is what I’m hearing about GOP internals: In MO, Talent has now had two good nights in a row. He’s up by two in the three-day average, up five in the two-day. In NJ, Kean is hanging in there, just down by two in the two-day. In MD, unfortunately, there’s no sign yet that it’s happening for Steele–he slipped a little from the night before. OH and PA, of course, are gonzo. In TN, Corker is up by one, but the public polls show him with a much bigger lead. In the internals, he continues to have just a slightly better fav/unfav than Ford. In RI–is this good or bad news?–Chafee is right there with Whitehouse, just .1 behind in last night’s track. Finally, there’s VA, where it’s not looking so great. Webb was leading last night, and is leading in the two-day. (Sorry, nothing from MT.) For what it’s worth…

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