The Corner

Separate But Equal Lives!

…at Virginia Tech. For Muslims. Saudi Muslims, to be precise. Evidently, under the construction of the Constitution in vogue over the last 30 years, it’s ok to violate 14th Amendment equal protection principles at a public university as long as you have a really, really good reason – namely, upholding your violation of First Amendment establishment of religion principles.

Here is some of the story, courtesy of the Roanoke Times:

Men and women from King Abdulaziz University are taking identical faculty development courses at Tech, but meet in gender-specific classes. Tech officials said administrators from the Saudi university separated the sexes to mirror classroom settings at their home institution, which operates separate campuses for men and women.

“This is the way they teach their courses over there, and this is the way they wish their courses to be taught over here,” said Tech spokesman Larry Hincker. The university chose to respect the Saudi culture “rather than impress our culture on them,” he added.

Oh, that NR notion of standing athwart history yelling “Stop!”? It’s not working. Here in the 21st Century, we are “progressing” from the 20th Century to the 7th Century. Great. Anyone holding his breath waiting for the ACLU to dive into this one? Didn’t think so.

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