The Corner

Sesame Street Song

In English:

Sunny day

Sweepin’ the clouds away

On my way

to where the air is sweet.

Can you tell me how to get,

how to get to Sesame Street?

In Klingon:

pem Hov jaj.

Haw’choHnIS ‘eng ‘ej Haj.

ghoch vIghaj;

’ej pa’ muDmo’ jIbel.

chay’ Sesame He vIghoS?

SIbI’ jIHvaD ‘e’ yIDel.

Back into English:

A day of the daytime star.

The clouds are compelled to commence fleeing, and are filled with dread.

I have a destination;

and there, because of the atmosphere, I am pleased.

Describe to me immediately

how to go to Sesame Street.

More here.

Maybe Kathryn would like me to post more on politicians’ names now?

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