The Corner

Sessions Critical of President’s Remarks

Washington — Sen. Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.) warns that President Obama’s remarks at the White House this afternoon were ill-advised. At his press conference, Obama called Republicans “hostage-takers” and “bomb-throwers,” and Sessions, in an interview with NRO, voiced his displeasure at the president’s tack.

“That’s a threat. I would read that as a threat,” Sessions says. “I would read that as a threat to punish the people with whom he agreed, on the very agreement he made. It indicates that he does not believe that the era of big government is over, but intends to continue to fight for it.”

“My thought was that the president was acknowledging the reality of the election and making some compromise,” Sessions sighs. “But, obviously, he is not committed to bipartisanship.”

Robert Costa was formerly the Washington editor for National Review.
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