The Corner

Sex-Ed at UCLA and Two Students’ Right of Conscience

Two UCLA freshmen Bella and Angelica Ayala just want to live according to their Catholic moral code and speak freely of their opinions, but that doesn’t work well with UCLA’s policy on sex education. When the Ayala sisters decided to not participate in a sex-ed orientation on, among other things, contraception and how to ask someone to have sex with you, they were reprimanded by the university and told they were required to attend the session, even if it violated their conscience. As I write on the homepage:

The orientation also included an active-participation section where counselors asked students for examples of “how to ask someone to have sex without ruining the mood.” Another section included a skit about sexual harassment, replete with “graphic language” and depiction of “a couple passionately making out.”

The girls are still in the middle of a legal struggle, all for not buying into the university’s message on sexual health. See the rest of the story here.


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