The Corner

Sharing The Love

It’s good to see that the Washington Post is countering charges

of liberal media bias with their even handed coverage of the candidates’

daughters. Both articles document the daughters’ warm welcome into

politics. They are positively mirror images of each other. Compare and

contrast the intros:

From “Jenna

and Barbara, in Uniform:” “The president’s daughters have emerged

from their media-free zone of comfort into the flattering spotlight of


And “Party’s

Girls: Daughters Debut:”

If you mussed up the hair a bit, these five women onstage could be one

of those late-’90s girl-power bands, Sleater-Kinney maybe, the kind that

rock out and look hip and also hate Bush. Or maybe a theater production

of “Sex and the City,” each girl representing an exaggerated female

type: There’s Vanessa Kerry, the one with the luminous skin and regal

nose who’s clearly the leader. Her sister, Alexandra, the reserved

artistic type who’s trying to hide although she’s the tallest. Young,

raven-haired Cate Edwards just making her debut. And the Gore girls,

Karenna and Kristin, the beautiful brainiacs who are now blissfully

private citizens.

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