The Corner

Sharpton: Experts Agree, Ted Cruz Was a U.S. Senator from Birth

Reverend Al Sharpton had a slip-of-the-tongue yesterday on his MSNBC show. In the introduction to a segment on Republican senator Ted Cruz, Sharpton said that experts had declared the Texan a “U.S. senator from birth,” when he meant to say the senator had been an American citizen since birth.

Sharpton was discussing the recent controversy regarding Senator Cruz and his eligiblity for the presidency. Though he was born in Calgary, Cruz’s mother was an American citizen, and thus he likely retains dual-citizenship. Cruz has said that he intends to renounce it because he is “an American by birth and as a U.S. senator [and believes he] should be only an American.” Renouncing his citizenship will likely take several months

Before he misspoke, Sharpton also labeled Cruz a “Canadian by birth, extremist by choice.”

Via Weasel Zippers.

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