The Corner

Woke Culture

She Persisted?

Rachel Levine appears during her confirmation hearing in Washington, D.C., February 25, 2021. (Caroline Brehman/Pool via Reuters)

She Persisted, a feminist chapter-book series by Chelsea Clinton and illustrator Alexandra Boiger, supposedly features “women who spoke up and rose up against the odds.” A forthcoming installment will feature a woman who is really a man, Rachel (formerly Richard) Levine.

The book tells us that Rachel was “born transgender or trans for short. That means that she was born with a boy body, but on the inside, in her mind, and in her heart, she was a girl.” And that Rachel “knew for sure that she was a trans girl when she was five years old.”

But Levine went through his entire life unambiguously as a man until middle age. He married a woman and fathered two children, later divorcing his wife after deciding to play-act being a woman full-time. It’s not just his biology that makes Levine an unsuitable female role model, it’s his advocacy. As Biden’s assistant health secretary, Levine works hard to destroy women’s rights by pushing to implement the trans-activist policy agenda at every opportunity.

Madeleine Kearns is a staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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