The Corner

Sheila Jackson Lee’s Theatrics

Washington — Sheila Jackson Lee (D., Texas) took the spotlight at the Homeland Security Committee’s hearing today, railing against Rep. Peter King, the GOP chairman, and describing his effort to investigate radical Muslims as “playing into al-Qaeda” and “going the same route as Arizona.”

In a bit of political theater, she held up a copy of the Constitution and continued to speak, even as King banged his gavel. “I will tell you today that this breathing document is in pain,” she said. The ruckus caused light laughs throughout the hearing room, as onlookers wondered whether Jackson Lee would yield the floor.

“There is no redeeming or factual information that we can receive today,” Jackson Lee said, her voice rising. “We don’t disrespect the witnesses, but it has already been tainted.” She asked the committee to look into those who oppose the “Jewish community” and complained that Muslim Americans are now “scared,” thanks to King. “This is an outrage,” she concluded.

Robert Costa was formerly the Washington editor for National Review.
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