The Corner

Show Me The Money!

What on earth is David Brock talking about? Someone needs to let NR on the cash crop we missed investing in:

SALON: You write about the conservative cradle-to-grave jobs network that goes along with the think tanks, opinion journals, magazines, radio shows and syndicated columns, and book deals and speaking fees. It sounds pretty cushy.

DAVID BROCK: It is. There’s every financial incentive in the world to stay in the conservative movement forever. That [network] allows the conservatives the freedom and the confidence to devote their attention to influencing the mainstream without actually becoming a part of it. It also means that when young people are trained they can stay — it’s not an up-or-out situation. You have very senior people editing magazines who can have families. And, again, it’s sustained support. Editors of conservative magazines aren’t out trying to raise money. The money is there; the cash reserves are in the bank.

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