The Corner

Silly Season Continues

“Conservatives seem to be snickering over the latest Susan B. Anthony List update,” reads a blog item on the Politico’s site today.

The Susan B. Anthony list is the pro-life PAC.

The Politico item continues:

heads are shaking at the news — especially considering Romney’s abortion-rights past. And, even better: SBA is also holding a fundraiser ($500 a head) with who as its highlighted star of the night? Mitt Romney. “Having Romney headline a SBA event doesn’t pass the laugh test in town among real conservatives,” snickered one self-described “real conservative” who went on to ask: “Two senior Romney people in charge of the SBA? Are they trying to kill the institution?”

What heads? Who, pray tell, is a “real conservative” in the complainant’s mind? I’d offer that Barbara Comstock, who has been both a longtime behind-the-scenes mover-and-shaker and an energetic public face on the Right — could be offered as a dictionary definition. She cares about policy, knows her stuff, and gets things done. She cares about the future of the conservative movement as well as the Republican party. She went to work for Romney because she believed him to be a viable conservative.

And she’s as pro-life as they come. As is her business partner at Corallo Comstock.

The idea that Romney and Comstock and Cesar Conda aren’t credible Susan B. Anthony List partners is not a serious contention. The Politico item is silly — whomever is is complaining about Romney to the Politico’s Anne Schroeder needs to move on.

Romney says he’s pro-life. He’s talked about the issue better than most of the candidates who ran this cycle (remember him talking about how it hurts women?). The governor, who happens to be a fundraising machine, wants to raise money for the cause. What exactly does he have to do to prove he’s where he says he is? (No doubt I need a “real conservative” to tell me.) His past is his past but we’re in the present and looking at the future. One I’d like to be claimed for a culture of life. And in word and deed now, I see Mitt Romney on my team in that fight.

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