The Corner

Sing it Sister!

From a lefty lurker:

You know, I started coming to NRO Online as a very liberal, left wing

gal out of an interest in reading the other side’s ideas–preferably in

a non invective laden, thought provoking environment.  I may seldom

agree with him, but I figured anything that Uncle Bill Buckley wrought

would, at least have a certain decorum and standard for intellectual

discourse. And I found that here so I keep coming back. For years now,

almost every day. Several times a day. I don’t think my mind has gotten

changed on any of the left/right issues I already disagreed with you

folks on. But I appreciate the chance to read your ideas. I WANT to try

and see as many sides to issues as possible.

But the fringe benefit of coming here—and something I am always

promoting to my like minded and apolitical friends about your site–is

the wealth of quirky, entertaining stuff like your link to the

anti-spammers and Derb’s treehouse etc. etc. This place is worth

visiting for that stuff alone, even if you didn’t also intersperse some

weighty socio-political discussion in between!


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