The Corner

The Single Best Hillary Column, Perhaps Ever

A lot of columnists have taken on Hillary Clinton over the years. The late William Safire of the New York Times famously dubbed her a “congenital liar” in a 1995 column. The late Robert Bartley of the Wall Street Journal, whom I worked for, exposed how she at times posed as a private citizen while First Lady while at other times she claimed to be a government official, depending on what was “convenient” — to use her term of explanation for why she had to have a private e-mail account to transact her State Department business.

But no columnist has better captured what is at stake in the 2016 election that Hillary will be running in than Charles Hurt of the Washington Times. His latest gem, which is also up on the Drudge Report, is a classic reminder of where Hillary has been, where she is now, and where we will be if she is elected in 2016. A must read.

John Fund is National Review’s national-affairs reporter and a fellow at the Committee to Unleash Prosperity.
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