The Corner


Sisters of Life Come to Our Rescue, Too, in These Coronavirus Times

For every year since I can remember, I’ve been able to attend the Sisters of Life annual New York gala. It’s put on by friends of the Sisters, to help them with some of the expenses of being our pro-life credibility. Like most other things, the gala has been canceled. So the Sisters are giving us a gift: a free virtual gala on Thursday night.

When the Sisters of Life were founded by the late Cardinal O’Connor, it was in no small part so the human resources would exist to make his pledge true: If you are pregnant and in need, come to the Catholic Church.

The Sisters of Life began only in 1991, and now there are about 100 women who have dedicated their lives to the charism of life as Sister of Life. That means not only do they literally save lives by showing up when a woman needs help, and being the instrument by which the Divine Physician restores hearts and souls after abortion, but helping a culture so immersed in death and violence come to know Jesus’s mercy. We were all created in love for love and the Sisters help give life in so many ways — including to people who didn’t realize they were dying inside.

Every year, that annual gala in New York is refreshment to the soul, with fellowship and praise of God and sharing and the Sisters’ singing. So, with social distancing and all the other restrictions, they are having this virtual gala this year, coming up on this coming Thursday night. Last I heard, there are some 2,800 and counting signed up. I urge you to add yourself to the numbers. Think about it: You don’t have to leave where you are, you only have to log on. You don’t have to pay anything.

Of course, if you do want to contribute to their work, which hasn’t stopped during the pandemic, this is a good thing. (You can also inquire about being a part of their vast co-workers network.)

But really, spend some time with them, get to know them. Whatever you think of religious faith, they will inspire you. If you need something beautiful in your life this week, sign up. Spread the word. Make it a social-distancing event for yourself, your family, your friends. It will all help us be at our best for loving service when things start to open up again. And it will unite us with women who have laid down their lives for the Creator of the world and His people. Their joy and trust in the Lord in the midst of the pandemic may just help show the path for doing the same in all vocations in life. We all have our roles. We can all be pro-life credibility, and beyond politics or labels. We can show the love of God, our Creator, by the way we live our lives, as they do. Our charisms may differ but the Gospel mandates are real and true and liberating. The Sisters of Life will help us see better and trust more and know peace where anxiety may be running rampant.

Thursday at 8 P.M. New York Time. Sign up here.

This challenge we are living through is about life at its core. They can help. That is who they are.

Here’s just a little something from last year’s gala (posted more recently):

And another:

And from an Easter morning before this pandemic life:

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