The Corner

Six of One, Half a Dozen of the Other

Here’s another example of an odd phenomenon. A French Jew was stabbed Thursday night. That’s not the odd phenomenon, but merely par for the course in la république française these days. What’s odd is the way the Herald Tribune feels obliged to sign on to the French government’s wholly false equivalence:

Interior Minister Michele Alliot-Marie has condemned the “revolting attack” in the suburban town of Fontenay-sous-Bois and says authorities are working to find the perpetrators.

The ministry said in a statement Friday that the attackers shouted anti-Semitic threats at the man as they stabbed him four times with a knife in the Thursday evening attack…

Alliot-Marie has said France has experienced a clear increase in anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim attacks since Israel began an assault against Hamas in Gaza on Dec. 27.

As I wrote here, would it be too much for a French reporter to ask Mme Alliot-Marie to provide a single example of an “anti-Muslim attack” since December 27th?

Mark Steyn is an international bestselling author, a Top 41 recording artist, and a leading Canadian human-rights activist.
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