The Corner

A Sixers-Type Update from Greg Pollowitz

Texas 23rdVoters in the Texas 23rd go to the polls today to finally put an end to the 2006 election season with a runoff election between Republican Henry Bonilla and Democrat Ciro Rodriguez .  Recent polling by Survey USA has Republican Henry Bonilla up 51%-47%, but Rodriquez has closed the gap of late and Bill Clinton was in town earlier this week to campaign for Rodriquez. ( In June, the Supreme Court ruled that the boundaries of the 23rd violated the Voting Rights Act, thus setting up today’s runoff election since no candidate received more than 50% of the vote back in November.)Florida 13thAlthough Republican Vern Buchanan was certified as the winner in the Florida-13th, Democrat Christine Jennings is challenging the results Howard Dean is calling for a new election and for Nancy Pelosi to refuse to seat Buchanan, which is in her power.  The Washington Times has a good editorial on the matter today.

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