The Corner

Social Conservatives and Bush

An e-mail: “As a social conservative I just wanted to thank you for your article on NRO today. I had read David’s bit yesterday and thought he was overstating the power social-conservative leaders have. I have no intention of staying home next year for two reasons. First of all, to stay home would be foolish for the reason Horowitz suggests; it would only make the election of a social non-conservative that much more likely. The second reason is this–every time I have wondered what Bush was thinking or where he was going he has surprised me with the results. Whether it is the war on terror or social issues or fiscal policy Bush has consistently won when I thought all was lost. In short, I’m going to vote for Bush because his political instincts have proven, time after time, to be far better than mine. Roe v. Wade may not be repealed anytime soon but if anyone is going to move us closer to that it will be Bush who will, no doubt, surprise us with both the process and the result.”

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