The Corner

Some Nice Reviews for Today’s WYP

Yes, I keep posting the reviews in the hope that more people will watch. From two readers:

GREAT “What’s Your Problem?” today. For me, it really picked up just after the half-way point where Peter kept tossing you what I assume he thought were devastating fast balls and you didn’t flinch and kept knocking them out of the park. Very nice job.

And this:

Dear Mr. Goldberg,

I just finished viewing your current chat with Peter Beinart at TNR, and I want to congratulate you and Peter on being gentlemen. I’m an independent with both liberal and conservative leanings (and plenty of libertarian ones), and I am fortunate to have both liberal and conservative friends. However, I’m regularly dismayed by the lack of respect that my friends of differing views show toward each other. Also, the birds-of-a-feather effect keeps them from intermingling much. Among the average voters who take politics seriously—which is to say, a lot of us—there’s far too much hunkering down, raising the drawbridge, and filling the moats against competing ideas. Not good for the nation, IMO.

So it’s always refreshing to watch your discussions with Peter. Some sort of intellectual synergy usually results, which would be impossible without the mutual respect that you both demonstrate.

I haven’t been able to see more than about a third of the debates, but I have enjoyed each I’ve seen immensely. I’d love to drop translations of the transcripts into the madrassas and say, “See! This is what we’re about. Not perfect, but not so bad, eh?”

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