The Corner

The Sopranos: Death to AJ (SPOILER WARNING)

I thought last night’s Sopranos was good for all of the usual reasons.  Though I think the producers wrongly think it’s necessary to stay with the depression-psychological stuff as if this is the show’s chief appeal. It’s not. But for understandable reasons, David Chase believes otherwise.

Anyway, here’s my painful confession. While I would never dream of saying this sort of thing about a real person, I’m  disappointed that A.J. didn’t succeed in killing himself. They aren’t going to redeem him in the final two episodes, so I was really hoping they would just get rid of him.

That said, I could be proven wrong if they make A.J. into a Muslim convert and Jihadi terrorist. They seemed to offer some tantalizing suggestions on this front, though with only two episodes left, it doesn’t seem possible that they could pull it off.  

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