The Corner

Source: Cornyn and McCain Are Working on a Version of the House Border Bill

NRO is hearing from a GOP aide that Senators John McCain and John Cornyn, of Arizona and Texas, respectively, are working on a Senate version of the House supplemental-funding bill aimed at addressing the border crisis that is expected to move forward tomorrow.

House Republicans hope to pass a $659 million appropriations bill for the border crisis before leaving for the August recess, Speaker John Boehner said after a GOP conference meeting earlier this week. It will likely provide new funding for immigration courts and enforcement agencies, as well as some aid for Central American countries from which the migrants currently crossing the border hail. Senator Ted Cruz’s proposal to halt the president’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program by refusing funding for the program is not expected to be included in the bill, Boehner signaled earlier this week.

UPDATE: A spokesperson from Senator Cornyn’s office denied this report and tells NRO it is not true.

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