The Corner

Source: FBI Examining Evidence from McConnell’s Campaign Office

A source close to Senator McConnell’s campaign tells NRO that the FBI was at the campaign’s office this morning in Louisville, Ky., and the campaign handed over “pertinent information” related to the Mother Jones story (which included audio from a private meeting). “The FBI is examining the evidence,” the source says.

UPDATE: McConnell’s campaign manager weighs in:

Campaign manager Jesse Benton, in an interview today on former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee’s radio show, said that the FBI is “taking this very seriously.”

“They tell us that they’re running down some leads,” Benton said. “For various reasons they need to be very cautious about what they share with me and then what I’m allowed to share on the public side, I can’t comment any further, but this is an ongoing criminal investigation.”

Robert Costa was formerly the Washington editor for National Review.
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