The Corner

Sources: McConnell Leaning ‘No’

Republican sources (including one senator) tell me Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) is leaning “no” on the Syria resolution. They also hear he’ll make a major speech on Tuesday about President Obama’s lack of leadership on foreign policy. That speech, they predict, will hint heavily at McConnell’s intention to vote against authorizing the use of force, even if he doesn’t say it explicitly.

At this stage, there are multiple reasons for McConnell’s hesitation to offer more than a critique. The president will speak to the nation on Tuesday night, a few hours after addressing Senate Republicans at their luncheon, and McConnell doesn’t want to get ahead of those events. One insider says McConnell wants his conference to have time to think through the issue; he’s ready to offer his perspective, but not guidance.


Robert Costa was formerly the Washington editor for National Review.
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