The Corner


This is the first time I’ve gotten one of these from someone claiming to be an American:

Dear Sir,

I am Captain Kobe smith of the United States of

America combatant Squad, Assigned to carry out

operation in Iraq. During our course of carrying out

search for the Saddam and his aids, we observed some

consignments loaded in a hidden zone.

We were then curious to know the contents,

fortunately, it was United Staes Of America

Dollars,being kept by Saddam Children. As a matter of

fact, I cannot ascertain the amount in each of then.

Nevertheless, we had to report to our Command Head

Quater, as it is the rules in the United States Army.

But before then, I and some of my colleagues smuggled

some boxes out for our personal used. We did that

without the intention of our superior Officers,

knowningfully well that if the should know, we MUST be

charged for Conspiracy and Stealing.

Presently, we have shipped the boxes out of Iraq,

looking for a trusted person who will Assist us to

Claim it and Invest on our behalf. We do not care the

type of business you may invest in, all we care for is

making sure that at the end of our assignment in Iraq,

we shall get our money.

SHARING: We are ready to share 50% for us, 40% for you

and 10% for any expensive that may occur.

We ask that this Proposal must be kept secret due to

its nature.

If you are intersted kindly get back to me through my


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