The Corner

Special Forces National Review!

One of the most frequent comments we hear from our readers is how grateful they are for the ammo we provide them for arguments with liberal classmates, co-workers, and infuriating in-laws. Well, as Tommy Franks likes to say: “Speed kills — the enemy.” And that’s why we’re announcing our version of Special Forces National Review. The key to special ops is to move fast, pack light, and deliver a hell of a lot of firepower. In that spirit, we’re announcing National Review Express. This is an abridged, e-mail version of National Review. The big 1-2 punch comes with the cover story and the lead editorial from every issue. But for the door-to-door fighting and stealth combat with liberal opponents there are special-use features as well. You get: “For the Record,” the rat-a-tat-tat collection of news nuggets, poll results, and quotes that provide the quick stat or fact you need to maintain your advantage in any argument. Also included will be “The Week” — some say it’s the heart and soul of the magazine, including short and powerful grenade-like editorial paragraphs that cover everything under the sun, from humor to outrage to insight on events at home and abroad. And then, for the real close-in fighting, there’s Bill Buckley’s famous “Notes & Asides,” as well as David Frum’s “What’s Right,” which features stiletto-sharp insights into the realm of politics and conservatism. That’s firepower. As for speed, every other week we’ll deliver, via e-mail, National Review Express days before the issue even hits the stands — for a special pre-launch rate of just $15.99!

Click here to order National Review Express.

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