The Corner

Specter’s Compromising Postion Really Works Toward Toning Down The Left

From today’s Hotline:

A Final Push — $1M Buy From PFAW Targeting Specter, Murkowski And The Maineiacs

People for the American Way (PfAW) is launching new ads for “the endgame of the filibuster fight” — spending $1M next week, starting 5/15 am. 3 new TV spots “appeal directly to” senators in PA, AK and ME. Also, TV ads will be running “heavily” on nat’l cable news, in DC and a range of other target states. This is a part of a $5M+ campaign that PfAW has been running for months.

“Courage and Leadership,” running in PA:

ANNCR: “The Constitution is under attack by the Radical Right. They want to trigger the nuclear option, destroy the 200-year-old filibuster, sweep away our constitutional checks and balances. The last defense against this attack? Senator Arlen Specter. Courage and leadership are defined by a few key moments in history. Senator Specter, this is your moment. Preserve checks and balances. Protect the Constitution. Save the filibuster.”..

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