The Corner

Spending Is What Matters

The AP reports that House majority leader Steny Hoyer “predicts” President Obama will “name a special commission to come up with a plan to curb the spiraling budget deficit under an agreement forged with top Capitol Hill Democrats,” and “that Congress would at the same time strengthen so-called pay-as-you-go budget rules designed to make it more difficult to pass legislation that would increase the deficit.”

According to the Washington Post, Sen. Judd Gregg, who with Senate Budget Committee chairman Kent Conrad, have proposed a bipartisan deficit commission, “called a presidentially appointed panel ‘a fraud’ designed to do little more than give Democrats political cover.”

I agree. But Gregg too, seems to be missing the point. Deficits are bad, but the real problem is spending. The senator, and the president, should be trying to cure the disease of big government rather than getting distracted by the symptom of high deficits.

Veronique de Rugy is a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
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