The Corner

Squishy-Soft Press

Here’s a peek at how lightly the network morning shows approached the Senator from the Gay State yesterday on the FMA hubbub:

ABC: Charlie Gibson gently prompted him to expound on his views: “You just feel that it does not merit inclusion in the Constitution, that it’s an issue that ought to be handled state by state.”

CBS: Rene Syler helpfully cued Kerry up: “Want to get your comments on something that happened yesterday — gay marriage. The President calling for a constitutional amendment banning same sex unions. Your reaction to that?” Her follow-up: “Do you think this is going to be a major issue in the race for the White House?”

NBC: Matt Lauer asked Kerry to comment on why Bush supposedly changed positions: “What about the timing? And because in 2000 during the presidential campaign the President did say in an interview that he thought this was something the states should handle, it was up to them. Why do you think he switched?”

Lauer’s tough follow-up to Kerry was hey, it’s great for you: “In some way, Senator, does this present an opportunity for you? Because clearly he’s moving toward his conservative base but at the same time you’d have to think he’s moving away from those swing voters in the center. Do you think this provides you with an opportunity to capture those votes?”

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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