The Corner

St. Paul…

…was a great time. The debate at St. Thomas was lively and well-received, and the crowd mostly leaned my way, thanks partly to an influx of Cornerites. 20 or so of us went out afterwards for beer and pizza and I tried to answer some of the questions apparently on the minds of so many NRO readers: “Will Jonah get a raise?” (We’ll see.) “What’s Kathryn like?” (Heavenly.) “Is Ramesh as smart as he seems?” (Yes.) “Can we get more Corner postings on weekends?” (I don’t know, I’ll have to talk to Andrew Stuttafford!) Thanks to everyone for coming out, especially to Scott Johnson for spreading the word at

and picking up the tab, to Char for laughing at my every stab at humor during the debate, and to Tim for his theories of empire…

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