The Corner

Star Wars

As an old sci-fi fan from w-a-y back — I was once the proud owner of *all*

the first 100 issues of NEW WORLDS magazine

— I am a bit of a

snob about the Star Wars movies — ALIEN was more to my taste. Star Wars

type stuff is a legitimate sub-genre within sci fi, though — “Space Opera,”

we used to call it (the analogy is with Soap Operas, not… operas) — and

good harmless fun, if you don’t mind the corny dialogue, kitschy f/x, and

ludicrous science bloopers (things exploding noisily in outer space, etc.


I do wish, though, there were a few more intelligent & truly imaginative

sci-fi movies. What I wish, in fact, is that the ratio of intelligent stuff

to shoot-’em-up corn was the same in sci-fi movies as it is in sci-fi print.

Perhaps this is too much to ask.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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