The Corner

State-Think-Tank Dean Wins Nod in Alabama’s Sixth

A couple of months back, I wrote here that the U.S. House race in Alabama’s sixth congressional district was the most important in the whole country, because one of the candidates was State Policy Network dean Gary Palmer, founder of the Alabama Policy Institute and a smart, canny, accomplished, dedicated man of great faith and integrity.

Tonight, Gary Palmer won his primary runoff, in a district that Mitt Romney carried in 2012 with 74 percent of the vote. So, absent a cataclysm, Palmer will be the new congressman from the suburbs of Birmingham — and, as I wrote then, he might well be an absolute superstar for thoughtful, effective conservatism.

Palmer joins special-election freshman Bradley Byrne from the Mobile area as promising new members of the House Republican caucus.

Conservatives should celebrate — and then work extra hard in subsequent cycles to recruit candidates of this high quality.

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