The Corner

Steven Goldstein Channels His Inner Pat Robertson

How many times have you heard some prominent social conservative threaten that Christian voters would just stay home if Republicans didn’t vote our way?

It’s a sign of political failure and stupidity, in my view.

So I was encouraged to find that, for the first time I can recall, gay-marriage advocates are making similar threats against Democrats.

In New Jersey, gay-marriage activists (lead by Garden State Equality chief Steven Goldstein) promised their supporters a victory in the lame-duck legislative session. But the defeat of gay marriage in Maine, the rejection of Dede Scozzafava in NY-23, Gov. Jon Corzine’s loss after publicly supporting gay marriage, and the rising voter outrage against politicians who push their own agendas over the people’s priorities — all are leading to second thoughts among Democrats and Republicans alike.

One sign of progress: Here’s a video where gay-marriage advocates sound like certain social conservatives used to sound: Democrats, do what we want or we’ll help elect our enemies, so there! Obey our will, or we will shoot ourselves in the foot!

(Kudos to Archbishop Myers and the Catholic Conference, the New Jersey Family Policy Council, and Mayor Steve Lonegan, among many others, for their hard work. And yes, the National Organization for Marriage is involved, too – listen to our new radio ad here.)

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