The Corner

Strange Gods

An Old West Africa Hand e-mails in to tell me that

•  Shango is a real (or, pace Dawkins/Hitchens/Harris, “real”) God, not an invention of William Boyd’s. Wikipedia confirms.

•  The presiding spirit of human affairs in that part of the world, at least as far as expats are concerned, is none the less not Shango, but a far more subtle and maleficent deity known as WAWA. That is an acronym for “West Africa Wins Again.”

•  [In reference to my post yesterday about Ireland.] Nigerian Christians are mostly Roman Catholics, to the degree that…

•  The Church in Ireland is rapidly turning into a Polish-Nigerian condominium, as the Irish themselves drift into the blithe secularism of their Euro-neighbors.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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