The Corner

“The Strong Have a Duty to Protect The Weak.”

William Albert Kenyon died on Saturday in an Iowa City hospital. He was born prematurely in late October, weighing 522 grams. Will spent the whole of his 12 weeks and 4 days in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

His loving parents kept an online journal of his life. They write in his obituary, “Will demonstrated each day the value and fragility of life, and we are thankful for every moment we spent with him. Parents hug their children a little harder because of Will. We will hold him in our hearts forever.”

Last week his dad wrote:

“He’s going to be an interesting little boy,” Dr. Colaizy said. We couldn’t agree more, except to say “heis an interesting–and wonderfully strong–little boy.”

If you have time, read about Will and his parents’ love for him. And see them together here. (What images!) He didn’t live long but managed to change lives. He fought for his life and his parents and doctors helped him as best as they all could.

R.I.P. young Will. Bless you, Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon. And thank you for letting us meet your son.

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