The Corner

Students for Banning Things, Again

I went to school at the University of Texas, and one of the prejudices I picked up there was a firm conviction that the students at the University of Texas-Arlington are dolts. 

Confirming my bias this week is a group of UT-A students petitioning for the removal of a pro-life display organized by a pro-life student group. The display consists of 2,900 small crosses, each cross representing one of the children put to death in our grisly abortion mills every day.

Here is thoroughly sophomoric sophomore Ashley Radovcich, organizer of the campaign to have the display removed: “Every cross is supposed to represent an unborn child, but not necessarily every child that is aborted is Christian and therefore they’re being culturally insensitive, especially since we’re the fifth most diverse campus in America,” says she.

Banning things in the service of diversity–you’ve got to be carefully taught, as Jay would say.

That Miss Radovcich does not quite understand Christianity and Christian thinking is unremarkable–where would she have learned about something so obscure as the intellectual foundation of Western civilization? What is remarkable is the underlying dearth of human sentiment. The 2,900 crosses are, symbolically, a very large pile of corpses of murdered children. We can butcher them, sure, but let us remain, at all costs, culturally sensitive.

You do not have to be pro-life to appreciate the defects in this line of thinking, incidentally: I imagine that very few pro-choice partisans would, upon being confronted with the evidence of their work in the form of 2,900 small corpses, think to ask: “I wonder what religion they are?” 

Fifth-most diverse campus! 

Kevin D. Williamson is a former fellow at National Review Institute and a former roving correspondent for National Review.
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