The Corner


Students Shout Their Abortions to Disrupt a Pro-Life Display

Earlier this month, at the University of Texas–San Antonio (UTSA), we got a disturbing glimpse of what it looks like when proponents of abortion begin to revere it as a sacrament. National pro-life group Students for Life of America reported earlier this week that pro-abortion protestors disrupted a Cemetery of the Innocents display that the group set up in mid April at UTSA.

The display consisted of 911 pink crosses in the ground to commemorate each of the unborn human lives ended by abortion every day at Planned Parenthood clinics. Students from a campus group called Students United for Planned Parenthood showed up to protest with Planned Parenthood signs and danced in the middle of the memorial, while some of them shouted in sing-song, “I’ve had an abortion!”

The protesters repeatedly yelled that they love abortion, and some pointed at the crosses, saying, “Look, there’s mine right there.” One student described aborting fetuses as her “number-one kink.” They also chanted, “Hey, stop, what’s that sound? All the fetuses are in the ground,” riffing on the protest song “For What It’s Worth.”

Any mockery of a pro-life memorial is distressing, to be sure, especially on college campuses, where progressive students most often have the ability to shout down or shut down dissenting perspectives. But it is especially heartbreaking to witness such casual, chilling disregard for the dignity and value of unborn human lives, and to see young people so entrenched in a pro-abortion mindset that they openly cheer and celebrate their own abortions.

Here’s a video of the protest:

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