The Corner

Stupid White Men

To absolutely no one’s surprise, Jonah, least of all yours, I concur with you on Jackass, which I saw this weekend. I sneaked out with a buddy who made me swear not to tell his wife what he was going to see. I can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard. (Though the only time I had to turn away to avoid losing my lunch was when the guy ate the yellow snowcone). Really, it’s hard to miss when you have a movie that prominently features dwarves and bowel movements. I consider all this, um, Rabelaisian. Seriously, it does make you wonder what it is about males that finds this kind of humor so gut-bustingly funny. My wife is appalled. I’d be afraid if she weren’t. My first thought when I left Jackass: omigod, that was so funny, and so wrong. My second thought: any teenage girl who sees that movie will seriously consider lesbianism as a sane alternative to getting involved with men. My third thought: about young males, maybe King Herod had a point.

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