The Corner

Subject: MCCAIN RESPONSE: Jim Johnson Resigns From Obama Camp

 From the McCain campaign:

 ”Jim Johnson’s resignation raises serious questions about Barack Obama’s judgment.  Selecting the vice presidential nominee is the most important decision a presidential candidate can make and one even Barack Obama has said will ‘signal how I want to operate my presidency.’  By entrusting this process to a man who has now been forced to step down because of questionable loans, the American people have reason to question the judgment of a candidate who has shown he will only make the right call when under pressure from the news media.  America can’t afford a president who flip-flops on key questions in the course of 24 hours. That’s not change we can believe in.” –McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds

“We’re going to go through a process in the vice-presidential search where I look at a whole range of options. This is one of the most important decisions I can make, and I think I’ll signal how I want to operate my presidency.” (Barack Obama, Interview With NBC’s Brian Williams, 6/4/08) 

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