The Corner

Subway Series on Bloomberg


A new Bloomberg/Los Angeles Times poll shows that Senator Clinton has opened up a 31-point gap over her chief Democratic rival, Barack Obama, leading 48 percent to 17 percent. She also runs ahead of all Republicans in general-election matchups, with only Giuliani coming close, trailing by 6 percentage points.

The poll shows that a number of Clinton’s perceived weaknesses, from her failed 1994 health-care plan to her decision to stay with her husband after he had an affair with a White House intern, aren’t liabilities. Driving her support are women voters, a central focus of the Clinton campaign, which is pushing such programs as expanded paid family leave and affordable health insurance.

“Clinton is really solidifying her Democratic support,’’ said Susan Pinkus, the Los Angeles Times polling director. “She is getting the backing of many of the major groups among the Democratic primary voters.’’

Giuliani, 63, is backed by 32 percent of likely Republican voters, more than double the support of his closest rival, Fred Thompson, who has 15 percent. Following closely behind are Senator John McCain of Arizona, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. Giuliani’s lead is his biggest of the year in this poll.

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