The Corner

NR Webathon

Supporting National Review Is No Paradox

Coins of Cyprus. Greek philosopher Zeno of Citium depicted in the old Cypriot 20 cents coin. (wrangel/Getty Images)

One of the paradoxes of the ancient Greek philosopher Zeno goes something like this: To go from point A to point B, one must first get halfway there. But to get halfway from point A to point B, one must first get halfway there. And on and on and on . . . until you realize that it’s actually impossible to go anywhere.

And yet we do go places. Indeed, thanks to your generous support in our ongoing post-campaign webathon, we are halfway to our goal. National Review is uniquely positioned to resolve the paradox that would see our politics caught between a radical, destructive Left and an unserious and unviable Right. Ours is no middle way, however: It is a conservatism that is tried, true, and tested, one that we have practiced since our founding in 1955. With your readership and support – on both of which we have always depended and of which we have striven to remain worthy – we can continue to practice it today.

There are many seemingly intractable issues in our culture and politics today. But of one thing, we can be certain: Supporting National Review is no paradox. Help us reach the destination Zeno argued was impossible by donating here.

Jack Butler is submissions editor at National Review Online, media fellow for the Institute for Human Ecology, and a 2022–2023 Robert Novak Journalism Fellow at the Fund for American Studies.  
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