The Corner


Sure Doesn’t Seem Like DeSantis Is Afraid of Trump

DeSantis had a press gaggle in Iowa yesterday that makes it even clearer that he’s not shying away from fights with Trump. From Semafor:

“Do you want Cuomo or do you want free Florida?” DeSantis asked. “If we just decided the caucuses on that I would be happy with that verdict by Iowa voters.”

DeSantis said that he’d held his criticism of Trump when they differed previously, because his rival was in the White House and under attack from the left. He did not hold it back in Iowa.

“I don’t need someone to give me a list to know what a conservative justice looks like,” he said, a reference to Trump picking judges from a list prepared by activists.

And on the debt limit, DeSantis pointed out that he opposed the deal between the White House and House Republicans, while Trump was quiet.

“Are you leading from the front?” he asked. “Or are you waiting for polls to tell you what position to take?”

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