The Corner

Surgical Strike

Fascinating interview in The Arab News with Colonel Qaddafi’s plastic surgeon:

His assignment: to shave years off Muammar Qaddafi’s appearance by removing fat from his belly and injecting it into his wrinkled face. The Libyan leader also got hair plugs.

I believe Gaddafy also had the excess, sagging underhang from his “y” surgically removed and injected into the hole in his “G” to turn it into a smooth perfectly formed “Q”, with a beauty spot added to the surviving line of his “y” to sculpt it into a pert, youthful “i”. The new spelling is said to have shaved a decade off Qaddafi’s CIA file.

According to this report, Qaddafi and Berlusconi have the same cosmetic surgeon. That being so, wouldn’t it be easier to weaponize his Botox?

Mark Steyn is an international bestselling author, a Top 41 recording artist, and a leading Canadian human-rights activist.
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