The Corner


Ten Things That Caught My Eye Today (August 29, 2018)

1. Ed Mechmann (who runs the Safe Environment program in the Archdiocese of New York): Truth is our most important ally . . . moral laxity is contagious.

2. John Allen:

one could say that Viganò overnight has become the Whittaker Chambers of the Catholic Church. Just as whether one believed Chambers about Alger Hiss was a marker for broader ideological alignments in the Cold War, at the moment one’s reaction to Viganò may say more about political assessments of Francis than about the hard evidence.

3. On Facebook: “An open letter to the priests in my life”

4. In Syria, is the worst yet to come?

5. China Is Treating Islam Like a Mental Illness

6. Turkish Islamic reform/religious-freedom advocate Mustafa Akyol joins the Cato Institute. Here’s a Q&A on his Islamic Jesus book. (And a column based on it about Mary.)

7. From the Institute for Family Studies:

 over five million children in the United States experienc[e] the incarceration of a parent at some point in their childhood . . . how a parent and child reconnect following a parent’s release from prison

9. Daily Signal: States Must Stop the War on Faith-Based Adoption Agencies

10. Girl’s reaction to finding out she’s being adopted on her birthday goes viral

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