The Corner


Ten Things that Caught My Eye Today (January 14, 2019)

1. I’m so grateful to Senators Kamala Harris and Mazie Hirono for focusing people’s attention on the Knights of Columbus, albeit not for the reasons that they intended. I love the Knights, as some of you might have noticed over the years. They are a gift. And exactly the kind of mediating institutions we’ve always needed and sure do now. My syndicated column about them is here.

2. A rescue story that involves the Knights of Columbus.

3. A profile of tenderness in the wake of miscarriage. Another Knights being knights story written by, as it happens, Jack Fowler’s son, Andrew.

4. Naomi Schaefer Riley on what might best be known as the Sally Struthers approach to helping children.

5. Russell Moore talks about adoption and foster care over surrogacy.

6. America magazine takes note of Abby Johnson’s pro-life leadership. (She’s been featured on NRO now and again over the years, and was a guest speaker for a March for Life-times NRI lunch I host every year — this year’s is on adoption, as you might expect, for a third year in a row, I think.)

7. Mark Rodgers from Cairo on Copts and coexistence and things.

8. This looks like it didn’t happen yesterday, but we could all afford to be a little more North Dakota here.

9. It’s ordinary time on the Roman liturgical calendar now and if you’re looking for something to keep up or kickstart some holy practices, daily homilies here from Fr. Roger Landry might help. Here’s today’s. (And you can follow him on Twitter at @FrRogerLandry.

10. How art can raise the soul to God


It’s March for Life week. Who are your pro-life heroes? Email me at 

A Human Life Review discussion Thursday night in DC on personhood.

A remembrance of Fr. Richard John Neuhaus, who died ten years ago this month.

A conversation about a grave pending disaster in New York State.

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