The Corner


Ten Things That Caught My Eye Today: Syria, Michelle Williams, Epiphany & More (January 7, 2020)

1. Syria: five children killed in missile strike on displacement camp

2. Judge rules that doctors can take baby off life support against mother’s wishes

3. China tightens its grip on religion


5.  Media Bias Vividly Illustrated In Headlines About Michelle Williams’s Pro-Abortion Golden Globes Speech

What struck me most about the speech was the misery it exposed as you looked at some of the faces in the room, including the man who looked like he might be bored. How can you be bored in the face of such obvious pain?

And what she said about things that happen to women’s bodies they don’t choose — there must be so much pain to the story. And her aching heart can’t grieve!

6. Charlie Camosy: Against physician-assisted suicide: A new law would feed a throwaway culture


8. These precious children and these teachers!


1o. 8 Concrete ways parishes can support persecuted Christians

11. From Pope Francis on Epiphany:

Worship means going to Jesus without a list of petitions, but with one request alone: to abide with him. It is about discovering that joy and peace increase with praise and thanksgiving. In worship, we allow Jesus to heal and change us. In worship, we make it possible for the Lord to transform us by his love, to kindle light amid our darkness, to grant us strength in weakness and courage amid trials. Worship means concentrating on what is essential: ridding ourselves of useless things and addictions that anaesthetize the heart and confound the mind. In worship, we learn to reject what should not be worshiped: the god of money, the god of consumerism, the god of pleasure, the god of success, the god of self. Worship means bending low before the Most High and to discover in his presence that life’s greatness does not consist in having, but in loving. Worship means recognizing that we are all brothers and sisters before the mystery of a love that bridges every distance: it is to encounter goodness at the source; it is to find in the God of closeness the courage to draw near to others. Worship means knowing how to be silent in the presence of the divine Word, and learning to use words that do not wound but console.

12. Afghanistan names school after illiterate dad who walked daughters 12 kilometres to school

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